
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

Archive for the ‘iPad’ Category

Proporta Maya II iPad Pouch Case Review

The Proporta Maya range have long been my favourite slip cases, primarily due to their understated, stylish design and high…

SmallTalk Mini Bluetooth Headset Review

Bluetooth headsets are the one thing I would have thought that no sane individual would want any smaller. It’s not…

Proporta Working On New Apple iPad Cases

No sooner than one day after I speculated that Proporta would be working on an aluminium reinforced case for the…

Apple iPad

The Apple iPad was a fairly predictable announcement, perhaps one of the most anticipated in the history of Apple but…

Proporta Maya Leather Style Apple iPad Case

The dust from the announcement of Apple’s iPad is still settling and, as usual, people are separating into love-it and…