
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

Archive for the ‘Home Entertainment’ Category

Eclipse TD 307PA II Review

If you take your music seriously, even whilst you’re sitting at your desk working away, then a decent set of…

InFocus X9 720p Projector Review

Putting the Samsung P400b aside, the InFocus X9 constitutes my first real projector review. Due to a complete lack of…

Samsung P400B “Pocket” LED Projector Review

Let’s get this out in the open right off the bat, if you think the P400 “Pocket” Projector will actually…

PURE Reach F10 Remote For Your Evoke Flow

Whilst idly digging around the menus on your Evoke Flow, you might have noticed a remote pairing option. This is…

Sky HD And Sky Multiroom Reviewed

When it comes to HD content delivery, we’re able to choose between an expanding array of options from Blu-Ray Rental…

NextBase Click 7 In-Car DVD Player

I was perusing Halfords a couple of days ago, admiring pink steering wheel covers and seat covers emblazoned with teddy…

Proporta DVD/Netbook Case Reviewed

I’ve thus far resisted the temptation to pick up a portable DVD player favoring, instead, a humble, hand-holdable PMP to…

Sky HD And Multiroom First Impressions

It hadn’t occurred to me until recently that I could leverage my humble journalistic position to obtain a Sky HD…

Live And On-Demand Sky TV Coming To An Xbox 360 Near You

In, perhaps, the most significant bit of Xbox 360 entertainment news since we “brits” have been crying over the lack…

Antec A/V Cooler

When Antec aren’t throwing together stylish, silent or utterly absurd desktop computer cases they’re busy applying their quiet cooling know-how…

More Playing With PlayTV

I’ve been tinkering with PlayTV for the PS3 again recently, a rare occurrence given my reliance on Sky+ which renders…

PURE One Elite DAB Radio Review

The Pure One Elite is a slightly more traditional entrant into our radio review lineup in that it lacks any…

Altec Lansing T612 Review

Amidst the mountain of DAB/WiFi radios we’re covering at the moment, I thought it wise to include a few alternatives.…

Christmas Radio Roundup

If you’re a busy individual, or just don’t like reading reams of reviews then here’s our quick and dirty radio…

PURE Evoke Flow Review

A couple of months ago we started rounding up radios of all different shapes, sizes and types to conduct a…

Roberts MP-43 Sound System Reviewed

Another DAB capable offering from Roberts, the Roberts MP-43 made its way to the desks of Gadgetoid a few months…

Roberts SolarDAB Solar Powered DAB Radio

Amongst the absolute wealth of DAB/Internet radios I’ve been looking at in the run up to Christmas, the Roberts SolarDAB…

SlingCatcher Unboxing

Better late than never. After getting back from a month off the grid I’ve got my hands upon a SlingCatcher…

Sony Rolly Dancing Mp3 Player

Whilst perusing a Sony store looking for an all-in-one computer suitable for wall mounting an enthusiastic attendant gave me a…

Microsoft Xmas Showcase 2008

You may, or may not, have noticed that we’re getting fairly close to that most wonderful time of the year,…