Epson LabelWorks LW-C610 Label Maker Review
It’s no secret that I go where my interests lie with Gadgetoid. For a while now I’ve been angling for…
It’s no secret that I go where my interests lie with Gadgetoid. For a while now I’ve been angling for…
The inscrutable nature of electronics has led to myriad attempts to find the perfect analogy for the relationship between resistance,…
Both my reviewer and maker sense tingles when I come across something like Lovebox. Starting in a French makerspace in…
When it comes to small-form-factor computers, the Raspberry Pi is far from the only game in town. The concept of…
The PiDrive Node Zero packs 314GB of storage, a Pi Zero and a two-port USB hub into one compact package.…
If you’re not already familiar with my shift from testing and reviewing consumer electronics, to making and supporting hobbyist electronics…
So, here we are. This is, perhaps, the inaugural “Hobby Electronics” post on Gadgetoid proper. That’s if you ignore some…
Displays, in all their various forms, are, without a doubt, the most popular hobby hardware hacking component. From LED matrixes…