
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

Archive for the ‘Magic The Gathering’ Category

Magic The Gathering 2015 Core Set Intro Packs Review

The 2015 Core Set will be the penultimate Core Set in the Magic The Gathering universe. Yes, you read that…

Magic The Gathering: Journey into Nyx Intro Packs Review

It’s been a while since Ben and I had a good Magic The Gathering session, but with Journey Into Nyx…

Magic The Gathering: Holiday Gift Box Review

When it comes to buying a gift for a Magic The Gathering fan, you’d be forgiven for being absolutely stumped.…

Magic The Gathering: Theros Inspiring Heroics Event Deck Review

Fans of Greek mythology will be pleased to learn that it’s finally been adapted into a new Magic the Gathering…

Magic The Gathering: Heroes vs. Monsters Duel Decks Review

The introduction of a Greek Mythology adaption by the Theros block has given a great opportunity to explore the idea…