Ten Thousand Pounds Of Home Cinema Awesome
Ever wanted to know what ten thousand pounds of home cinema kit looks like? Take a gander to the right. Beautiful, is it not? When a product is dubbed ‘Imperial Death Star’ you know it means business, not only is this £10,000 monster of a build quality that puts brick outhouses the world over to absolute shame but the £4999 AV Pre/Processor packs a list of features so long that the front of the unit is emblazoned with more logos than a sports store window.
Read on! Macduff, and damn’d be him that first cries, ‘£1000?, enough!'”
Alongside more flashy features such as built-in Wi-fi for streaming audio and iPod compatibility the DENON AVP-A1HD boasts more conventional high-end features such as SIX 1.3a HDMI inputs and TWO outputs. That’s an output for your LCD or Plasma TV and another for your 1080p Projector, perfection!
There really is no arguing the AVP-A1HDs pedigree despite the inclusion of not-quite-so-audiophile features as streaming, USB host and iPod support rest assured that as far as audio quality is concerned this beauty really, absolutely and completely means business.

The DENON POA-A1HD companion amplifier with its ever-so-sexy “look how much sound I’m pumping out at you” aesthetic clocks in at another £4999 and boasts a total of 3000 watts of high definition home cinema sound across 10 powered outputs. Every single channel is assignable so you can hook up any configuration of speakers from stereo right up to an 8.2 ear-assaulting behemoth of a surround setup. If you’ve got £10,000 burning a hole in your pocket and a TV/Projector combo sitting in a cavernous living room or home cinema then this is the kit for you.